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South Africa
Diving, artisanal, lobster
Diving, gathering, lobster
Diving, gathering, lobsters (sub)
Diving, gathering, ornamental shells
Diving, gathering, oysters
Diving, gathering, sea cucumber
Diving, gathering, sea cucumber
Diving, hand/hoop net, ornamental fish
Diving, hand/hoop net, ornamental fish
Diving, hand/hoop net, ornamental invertebrates
Diving, hand/scoop net, ornamental fish
Diving, lobster
Diving, no SCUBA, sea cucumbers
Diving, seagrass beds, sea cucumbers
Diving, Seagrass, Fish & Octopus
Diving, snorkel, sea cucumber
Diving, Snorkelling, Lobsters
Diving, speargun & snorkel
Diving, speargun, fish
Diving, speargun, fish
Diving, speargun, recreational
Diving, speargun/no SCUBA, fish
Diving, stick, Octopus and Squids
Gillnets & cast nets, surrounding nets_shrimps
Hand spear, fish, subsistence
Harpoon, by hand, fish and lobsters
Harpoon, by hand, octopus
Harpoon, small boat, rays
Hook & line, artisanal
Hook & line, drift line, fish
Hook & line, droplines
Hook & line, drumlines, sharks
Hook & line, FADs, pelagic fish
Hook & line, fish, artisanal
Hook & line, handline, FAD
Hook & line, handline, fish
Hook & line, handline, fish/sharks/rays
Hook & line, handline, fish/sharks/rays
Hook & line, handline, shore
Hook & line, Inboard, Artisanal
Hook & line, jigging, red-eye
Hook & line, large vessel, commercial
Hook & line, large vessel, schooner - dropline
Hook & line, large vessel, schooner - handline
Hook & line, longline - pelagic, tuna
Hook & line, longline - surface, pelagic (Art)
Hook & line, longline - surface, pelagic (Ind)
Hook & line, longline - surface, tuna (Ind)
Hook & line, longline surface, semi industrial
Hook & line, longline surface, tuna
Hook & line, longline, artisanal
Hook & line, longline, artisanal (demersal fish)
Hook & line, longline, sharks (art)
Hook & line, longline, sharks (si)
Hook & line, longline, surface
Hook & line, longline, swordfish & tuna
Hook & line, longline, swordfish & tuna (si)
Hook & line, longline, tuna
Hook & line, longline, tuna
Hook & line, longline, tuna (foreign)
Hook & line, longline, tuna and tuna-like species Malagasy fleets
Hook & line, paddleski, fish
Hook & line, semi-Industrial, chilled fish
Hook & line, shore angling
Hook & line, shore, amateur
Hook & line, shore, estuarine (rec)
Hook & line, shore, estuarine (sub)
Hook & line, shore, flyfishing
Hook & line, shore, lobster (sub)
Hook & line, shore, marine (rec)
Hook & line, shore, subsistence
Hook & line, small & charter boats for sport/gamefishing
Hook & line, small boat & motor, charter/party
Hook & line, small boat & motor, estuarine fish (rec)
Hook & line, small boat & motor, fish (art)
Hook & line, small boat & motor, fish (rec)
Hook & line, small boat & motor, fish (rec)
Hook & line, small boat & motor, night fishing with lamps
Hook & line, small boat & motor, outer islands
Hook & line, small boat & motor, squid
Hook & line, small boat and motor, amateur
Hook & Line, small boat and motor, sport
Hook & line, small boat/non motor, pirogue
Hook & line, small motorboat, recreational
Hook & line, small motorboat, sport
Hook & line, snapper and groupers
Hook & line, St Brandon
Hook & line, super skiboat, recreational
Hook & line, super skiboat, sport
Hook & line, trolling, fish (art)
Hook & line, trolling, fish/sharks (rec)
Hook & line, trollng, fish
Hook & line, vertical lines, fish
Hook & line, vessel, commercial
Hook & line, vessel, shallow water banks
Hook and line, ALL FISHERIES
Industrial nets, Gillnets, Sharks
Industrial nets, inshore, crustaceans
Industrial nets, inshore, crustaceans
Industrial nets, inshore, prawns
Industrial nets, inshore, shrimps
Industrial nets, offshore, crustaceans
Industrial nets, offshore, crustaceans
Industrial nets, offshore, crustaceans
Industrial nets, offshore, tuna
Industrial nets, purse seine, tuna
Industrial nets, purse seine, tuna
Industrial nets, purse seine, tuna
Industrial nets, purse seine, tuna
Industrial nets, purse seine, tuna
Industrial nets, purse seine, tuna
Industrial nets, trawl, demersal
Industrial nets, trawl, shrimps, Sofala Bank
Large nets, drift gillnets, pelagic fish
Large nets, gillnets, fish
Large nets, monofilament gillnet, fish
Large nets, reef seine, fish
Large nets, ring nets, fish
Large nets, seine, fish
Live reef fish
Mixed gears, harpoon and line, artisanal
Mixed gears, mangroves, crabs
Mixed gears, pirogue & small motor
Mixed gears, small boat, fish
Mixed gears, traps and lines, artisanal
Mothership dorries
Other, coral mining
Other, dynamite, fish
Other, dynamite, fish
Other, poison, fish
Semi-industrial freezer, Trawler, Shrimp, Sofala Bank
Semi-industrial ice, Trawler, Shrimp, Sofala Bank
Semi-industrial, Trawler, Shrimps, Maputo Bay
Shore gathering, brittle stars, fish bait
Shore gathering, clams
Shore gathering, general beach, ornamental shells
Shore gathering, intertidal (muddy) flats, bivalves
Shore gathering, intertidal (muddy) flats, crabs
Shore gathering, intertidal, crabs
Shore gathering, intertidal, mud crabs (rec)
Shore gathering, intertidal, octopus
Shore gathering, intertidal, sea cucumbers
Shore gathering, intertidal, worms
Shore gathering, invertebrates, subsistence
Shore gathering, machete (mwenge), fish/squid
Shore gathering, mangroves, mangrove crabs
Shore gathering, mangroves, whelks (suka)
Shore gathering, mixed gears, lobsters (rec)
Shore gathering, prawn pump, burrowing prawns (rec)
Shore gathering, prawn pump, burrowing prawns (ssc)
Shore gathering, rocky shore, mussels
Shore gathering, rocky shore, oysters
Shore gathering, rocky shore, oysters
Shore gathering, rocky shores, chiton and neritidae
Shore gathering, rocky shores, crabs
Shore gathering, rocky shores, invertebrates (sub)
Shore gathering, Rocky shores, Limpets
Shore gathering, rocky shores, limpets (rec)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, mussels
Shore gathering, rocky shores, mussels (rec)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, mussels (sub)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, mussels, ornamental shells
Shore gathering, rocky shores, octopus (rec)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, ornamental shells
Shore gathering, rocky shores, oysters (com)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, oysters (rec)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, red bait (rec)
Shore gathering, rocky shores, rock crabs
Shore gathering, sandy beach, oyster
Shore gathering, sandy beach, turtles
Shore gathering, sandy shores, ghost crabs (rec)
Shore gathering, sandy shores, ghost crabs (sub)
Shore gathering, sandy shores, mole crabs (rec)
Shore gathering, sandy shores, mole crabs (sub)
Shore gathering, sandy shores, seagrass beds & gastropods/bivalves
Shore gathering, sandy shores, surf clam
Shore gathering, sandy shores, turtles
Shore gathering, sandy shores, turtles
Shore gathering, sandy shores, turtles/eggs
Shore gathering, sea grass beds, sea cucumbers
Shore gathering, seaweed, culture
Shore gathering, small nets, scoop nets, intertidal, crabs
Shore gathering, spear, fish
Shore gathering, spear, fish
Shore gathering, stick, crabs
Shore gathering, wading and snorkel, octopus
Small and large mesh nets, bottom gill net
Small nets, beach seine, fish
Small nets, beach seine, fish
Small nets, beach seine, fish
Small nets, beach seine, fish
Small nets, beach seine, fish
Small nets, beach seine, fish
Small nets, beach seine, fish and shrimp
Small nets, beach seine, sardines
Small nets, boat drag & seine (kavogo, kigumi)
Small nets, bottom gill net, sharks/rays/fish
Small nets, bottom gill net, slipper lobster
Small nets, bottom gillnet, artisanal
Small nets, cast net, anchovies & sardinellas
Small nets, cast net, fish
Small nets, cast net, fish & squid
Small nets, cast net, fish/prawns
Small nets, cast nets, fish & prawns
Small nets, Chicocota, Artisanal
Small nets, drag net, fish/shrimps
Small nets, drift nets, fish
Small nets, gate net/beam trawl, shrimp/prawn
Small nets, gill net, fish
Small nets, gill net, humphead parrot fish (Filanbaz)
Small nets, gill nets bottom, fish
Small nets, gill nets surface, fish
Small nets, gill nets, sharks
Small nets, gill nets, sharks & rays
Small nets, gillnet, shrimp
Small nets, gillnet, small pelagic
Small nets, gillnets - surrounding, fish
Small nets, gillnets surface, fish
Small nets, gillnets, crustaceans, fish
Small nets, hand/hoop net, squid & glassies
Small nets, hand/scoop net
Small nets, hoop net, kona crab (Ranina ranina)
Small nets, hoop nets, ornamental fish
Small nets, hoop nets, ornamental fish
Small nets, hoop nets, shrimp
Small nets, mosquito nets, fish
Small nets, mosquito nets, herring
Small nets, mosquito/chandalua/tandio/kivajo, fish/shrimps
Small nets, pelagic gill net, mackerel
Small nets, purse seine
Small nets, purse seine, red-eye
Small nets, purse seine, small pelagics
Small nets, seine nets, fish and prawns
Small nets, Seine nets, Fish herding
Small nets, seine, tuna (local)
Small nets, shark net, sharks/rays/fish
Small nets, shove net, prawns
Small nets, surface (drift) gill net, pelagics
Small nets, surface gill net, estuarine fish
Small nets, surface gill net, sharks
Small nets, surface gill net, sharks/rays/fish
Small nets, surrounding net (Zuwio)
Traps - longline, offshore, crabs
Traps, artisanal, crabs
Traps, barrages, shrimps
Traps, basket (dema and towe), fish
Traps, basket (gaiola)
Traps, Basket, Artisanal
Traps, basket, deep-water shrimps
Traps, basket, fish (sub)
Traps, basket, fish/crabs (art)
Traps, cage nets, crustaceans
Traps, commercial, fish
Traps, fence traps, Valakira, shrimps
Traps, industrial, lobster
Traps, longline barrel traps, lobster
Traps, on foot, fish
Traps, pots, lobsters
Traps, rock traps, fish
Traps, schooner, offshore
Traps, small boats, active
Traps, small boats, static
Traps, small trap, lobster
Traps, staked (gamboa)
Traps, staked (uzio/wando), fish
Traps, staked weir /fence (uzio), fish/crabs
Traps, staked, fish
Traps, whaler, static trap
Beach Management Units
Fisheries Control Officers
Local Government Officers
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Marine Protected Areas officers
National Coast Guard
National Fisheries officers
National Government Officers
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